🈵 Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji

🈵 meaning - Japanese “no Vacancy” Button

Another one of the Japanese symbols, this emoji is also not the one rest of the world uses as much as Japan, but hey, it makes sense, as not all of us consider ourselves to be a part of Japanese culture, and some of use may misuse some of the signs that are in this part of emoji collection, but we still believe that most of these emojis are to be avoided altogether, as nobody wants to look like they have no idea what are they talking about. But if you do wonder, it actually means “no vacancy” in Japanese.

Copy and paste Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji

Copy and paste 🈵 with one click!    
Tweet with this button
Use shortcode : :u6e80:
Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : Button No Vacancy Full Japanese Square can be represented by 🈵 emoji.

How Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

Japanese “no Vacancy” Button may look different on every device. In the above images you can view how Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji appears on different devices. Emoji of Japanese “no Vacancy” Button can be used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many other platforms and OS. Some devices may show a blank box or X instead of Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji as every device doesn't support each one of the emoji.

History of Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji

This emoji was first introduced in Unicode 6.0 in October, 2010 which was followed by addition to Emoji 1.0 in August, 2015. Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji appeared on iOS 5.0, Android 4.3, EmojiOne 1.0 for the first time.

Japanese “no Vacancy” Button in other languages

LanguageShort Name
SpanishBotón japonés "sin vacante"
GermanJapanische „Keine Vakanz“-Schaltfläche
FrenchBouton japonais "pas de vacance"
RussianЯпонская кнопка «нет вакансий»
ItalianPulsante giapponese "nessun posto vacante".
PortugueseBotão japonês "sem vagas"

What is the code of Japanese “no Vacancy” Button emoji?

Unicode : U+1F235
Hex Code
Code Point(s):    1f235
HTML Entity:   🈵
UTF-8: F0 9F 88 B5
UTF-8 (C): F0 9F 88 B5
UTF-16: 0xd83cde35
UTF-16 (C): 0xD83C 0xDE35
UTF-32: 1F235
UTF-32 (C): 0x00001F235
Decimal Code
Code Point(s): 127541
HTML Entity: 🈵
UTF-16: 55356 56885
UTF-32: 127541
Octal Code
UTF-8: 360 237 210 265
Other developer codes:
PHP: "\xf0\x9f\x88\xb5"
Python: u"\U0001F235"
Java, C++, C: "0xD83C\uDE35"

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